Life Diseases

Banza Tanyi
2 min readApr 24, 2022

Personal Development is taught by Jim Rohn, an American entrepreneur. I learned many things from this seminar about taking charge in life. Obviously, it doesn’t come easy to change but knowing is better than not knowing. I took at least 5 pages of notes from this seminar which taught me more about life than I was expecting.

There are 4 Diseases in life:

1) Not taking Action. The sad reality is that if you don’t take it, someone else will. Someone said, “knowledge is power.” The teacher said, “no my student, knowledge is potential power.” What you don’t use, you lose.

2) Too cautious. We all are too damn cautious these days. I’m not saying I’m not. As much as I hate to admit it, I’m also seeking comfort, safety, and stability all the time. It sucks, but it’s true. Rohn said, “The language of the poor is saying What if this happens.” Here is what shattered my perception of living cautiously is shitty.

“Once you’re born it’s already risky.”

3) Pessimism. Humans are contagious like bacteria. Just like a good bacteria and a bad bacteria in your system, your mental factor has two as well. Optimism and Pessimism. Good bacteria in your gut will help you digest your meals. A bad one will make you sick. Do you want to make think in a sick way?

“As you think so you become”

I don’t know who said this. But it’s damn brilliant!

4) Complaining. You believe that time is a valuable asset right? Well, bitching for 5 minutes wastes 5 minutes of your day. I think this is the most deadly disease out of all.

Here is a bonus idea that I got from the seminar.

The fabric of your life really depends on the ingredients you put in your mental factory. Good shit, good final product. Bad shit, bad final product. Now, that sounds simple right.

☁️ Quote that I’m reflecting on -

“Be a good reader. One way to learn is from your experiences, another way to learn is from other people’s experiences.”

By Jim Rohn. With the help of 📥 Readwise.





Banza Tanyi

I share snippets of things that I’m interested in. :) #books #podcasts #tools #articles