5G, The 4-Hour Workweek, Life-advice

Banza Tanyi
2 min readApr 24, 2022

🎒What’s happening at University -

Economics: Labor discipline model. Basically, every market has two sides: workers and employers. Employers expect workers to put effort into their job. However, workers decide how much effort they’re willing to put into their job depending on their salary. Obviously, that isn’t the case in previous centuries when slavery was prevalent. So, we analyzed the employer’s and worker’s perspectives through a model.

Working with Data: We studied the principles of creating a chart. Charts are simply there to understand the data better because numbers are hard to predict. You can catch trends, and patterns, and identify outliers in chart representations. What to avoid? Manipulation, dead space vertically and horizontally, not minimalistic, and distracting. In the end, charts are used to make the concept accurate, clear, and simple.

📰 News. The home was not a safe place for many teens during Covid. A new CDC survey found that 44.2% of high school students described “persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness” in the first six months of 2021, up from 26% in 2009 and 37% in 2019. Nine percent reported a suicide attempt in the CDC’s survey. And 55.1% responded that they suffered emotional abuse in their house during the preceding year.

📰 News. The new iPhone SE could help shore up Apple’s position as a leader in 5G smartphones and handsets. Apple already leads the world in 5G smartphone sales, accounting for 37% of 5G sales in January. Samsung holds the second-largest share, at 12%, according to figures Counterpoint Research provided to Bloomberg.

I subscribed to Morning brew as my reliable, trustworthy, and relevant news source. It’s short and funny.

📖 Book. The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss. I am almost halfway through the book and already learned tons of business, product, and happiness hacks. The wisdom in this book is overwhelming because Tim throws them in millions of snippets but reading them bit by bit helps. I would suggest revisiting them from time to time after finishing.

📝 Article. Easy Method To Get Out Of Self-Improvement Depression. It is a short impactful read about taking ownership over your life.

I read most of my articles on Instapaper. Brilliant application for saving articles you wish to read later with a minimalistic look.

🎙 Podcast. Mark Manson — 11 Uncomfortable Truths About Life. Mark is the king of telling people things they don’t want to hear. Expect to learn life advice that doesn’t suck. Filled with thought-provoking ideas, impulsive but beneficial truths, and lots more. He later shares his journey from a party boy to fatherhood. Here is a crazy idea. “If your all relationships are a problem, you are the problem.”

If you are not listening to your favorite podcasts on Airr, you’re missing out. Ali Abdaal recommended this app to me. Why use Airr you ask? You can take notes while listening to your favorite episode (🤯).

☁️ Quote that I’m reflecting on -

“Satisfaction = Liking — Wanting” From Atomic Habits by James Clear

With the help of 📥 Readwise.

Enjoy your Sunday,




Banza Tanyi

I share snippets of things that I’m interested in. :) #books #podcasts #tools #articles