1st Quantity, 2nd Quality

Banza Tanyi
2 min readApr 24, 2022

The trendy debate of quality vs quantity in this internet era has exploded in popularity. This niche basically applies to everything that we do in our lives. Whether we are sitting down to write an article or studying in universities, we all have to make a decision of either choosing quality or quantity of work.

There are two ubiquitous problems to our conclusion.

  1. Quality — You are thinking. “Uhhh, It is taking forever! When am I going to be done?”
  2. Quantity — You are thinking. “Is the work good enough? Am I going to get credits?”

I am sure that you are most likely bombarded with information concerning this topic. I, for one, am not a specialist in terms of persuading you to choose one side. I am just like you, trying to figure out what’s best for me.

There are two viewpoints that were a great service to me. And I thought of sharing my thoughts with you.

Think about the long run and be cautious.

🏃‍♀️ In for the long run

What I believe is that we should all considered this hyped argument between quality and quantity with a little precaution. Not take it at its value right away.

When I was reading a random article this week, I came across this saying

“Quantity is subjective.”

I think this is a healthy start to beginning any work. Contemplate on this statement. Forget about the objective in the starting point.

What we want to avoid is:

  1. Procrastination
  2. Negative chatter
  3. Self-doubt

And considering quantity as a subjective motive can improve your 1st mile in the prolonged journey.

After getting the hang of things, start to implement the quality of your work.

“Quality is objective.”

Unlike quality, the quality of our work is the priority in the end. What’s the point of mastering your craft if there is no improvement right? And that’s why you have to give a toss about quality as well.

Be intentional with the things you work on. If you are documenting your feelings, thoughts, and surroundings, share with quality and quantity.

The short in quality can cause problems in attracting an audience. And the short in quantity can cause your audience to unsubscribe. This is applied to every digital platform you use.

Being cautious is the antidote to not being overwhelmed. Manage a way to have balance in quality and quantity because either can be needed in various circumstances.



Banza Tanyi

I share snippets of things that I’m interested in. :) #books #podcasts #tools #articles